Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sooo, when G-man and I were sleeping you were out doing a little shopping. Just thinking a head right? Next time remember to remove the price tag for crying out loud.

Before and after shot of G-man's huge pike....obviously this is the before shot. "Behind you buddy".

And, this would be the after shot. Great job landing that fish. 32 inches on ultra light rig with four lb test line and no steel leader. But, I think his shoulder is fine.

I'm sure you've all heard the tall tale of Kelsey's "18 inch" smalley, bla, bla, bla. Luckly, I just happen to have remembered to take this tape from his sewing kit when he he'd one too many of his famous umbrella drinks. Photographic evidence is always extremely helpful in separating fact from fiction.

After Kelsey's "smalley" I just didn't have the heart to tell him about this little gem. Fact is I caught two of these and quickly trained the other one to take this picture. I knew I'd be needing some evidence.

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