Sunday, July 20, 2008

Camp Life

Great shot, -- considering what I had to work with.

Hard at work inflating Kelsey's tube, always giving, giving, giving.

Still Giving!, Crap, why can't you have a regular tube like G-man and me?

Somebody had to feed those two. I threw together robusto sweet Italian sausage with Gruyere and baby patty pan squash stuffed tortellini. Kelsey brought pop tarts.

Preparation. Kelsey was actually helping me with my knots but I decided to cut him out of the photo just for the hell of it.

Like any proper hostess, no matter how hard a day, Kelsey was absolutely insistent we not mess with his cocktail hour. Honestly, I was thinking we'd just grab a six-pack but he had all those pretty umbrellas in his tackle box.

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